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Top 20 UTIs and Incontinence

A Navigation Guide for Top20UTIs and Incontinence.com
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

National Institute of Health

This is a great website to get an overview of what UTIs are. This page is very informative and talks about the risk factors, causes, diagnosis, treatments and more. It will take approximately 45 minutes to get through the whole page but you can skip to sections that you want to learn about at the top of the page.

Urinary Tract Infection, Michael Linares (7:06)

This is a short and informative explaining how UTIs occur, their symptoms and how to treat them.

Urinary Tract Infection, Gabay Medical Library (4:58)

This video fills in the gaps of the above video and talks about the risk factors of developing a UTI, the symptoms, tests to administer in order to establish diagnosis, how to treat the UTI and how to advise patients on UTIs.

Top 20 Urinary Tract Infection
